For 75+ years Magnetic Shield Corp. continues to be a major contributor in establishing, growing, and advancing forward the magnetic shielding sector. Electronics OEMs, research labs and universities, and more across a broad range of industries partner with us for reliable low-frequency EMI shielding alloys, products, and solutions. Technical professionals value our commitment to: engineering expertise, industry known brand alloys and stock inventory, quality materials and precision products, custom fabrication and annealing capabilities, manufacturing services, state of the art machinery, and our earned Certification - ISO 9001:2015.
Design and electrical engineers, scientists, physicists, and technical professionals sample our MuMETAL® soft magnetic alloy for performance shielding applications. Our widely used evaluation lab kits are both practical and economical for testing, experimentation and prototyping.
Recently, we launched our MuROOM®, modular rooms constructed of MuMETAL® alloy for use in ultra-sensitive scientific experimentation and advanced technical applications shielding installed at scientific and research university labs and R & D facilities. Our MuMETAL® Zero Gauss Chambers are purchased for low field environment requirements testing and evaluation.
Our company's achievements and innovations began with our magnetic shielding production of raw alloy material forms, and full manufacturing services. Quality lines of specialty shielding alloy brands were introduced over the years: NETIC®, Co-NETIC®, MuMETAL® "the industry standard", and now our Cryo-NETIC® brand. Our products became essential to protect electrical and electronic applications, the devices, and equipment from magnetic field interference. Today, tech professionals continue to recommend us as the premier supplier because we solve and mitigate EMI problems with our decades of technical expertise.