
Cable Reel Manufacturers and Suppliers

IQS Directory provides a comprehensive list of cable reel manufacturers and suppliers. Use our website to review and source top cable reel manufacturers with roll over ads and detailed product descriptions. Find cable reel companies that can design, engineer, and manufacture cable reels to your companies specifications. Then contact the cable reel companies through our quick and easy request for quote form. Website links, company profile, locations, phone, product videos and product information is provided for each company. Access customer reviews and keep up to date with product new articles. Whether you are looking for manufacturers of wire reels, plastic cable reels, welding cable reels, or customized cable reels of every type, this is the resource for you.
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  • Westerlo, NY

    Our hose reels are all made in the U.S., with a heavy-duty design and construction, built specifically to fit your needs and never retrofitted to the job. As a leading manufacturer of high-quality hose reels, Hannay Reels offers one piece hub assembly, heavy gauge steel and dual frame support with special finishes upon request. Visit our website for more information.

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  • Fort Wayne, IN

    Hosetract Industries is a hose reel provider, offering spring hose reels and air hose reels. We provide hose reels designed for industrial and automotive applications as well as many others. Contact us today for your spring hose reel and air hose reel needs — visit our website or call us for details!

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  • Charlotte, NC

    Nederman LLC provides high-quality hose reel products and services. Our products are utilized by a variety of industries. Some of those products include hose reels, service reels, cable reels and air hose reels. Please call or visit our website for more information about our products and service.

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  • Columbia City, IN

    When it comes to high quality products, we are driven to provide only the most technologically advanced products available to you. We produce durable hose reels that make your hoses more productive, as well as keeping them easily accessible and longer lasting. Our website features technical support that not only includes service manuals, but tech bulletins and CAD drawings as well. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email one of our representatives today for information.

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Cable Reels Industry Information

Cable Reels

Cable reels are functional objects designed to wind and unwind, hold and store different kinds of electrical cables. Electrical cables, conductors that transmit either electrical signals, optical signals or electric power, are made up of a core, twisted wire strands that protect the core and insulating material that covers both the core and strands. Cylindrical, drum-shaped and spool-like, cable reels are usually made from plywood, wood, plastic or steel, depending on their application.

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Cable Reel Applications

Cable reel applications reside mostly in the industrial and manufacturing industries, where they keep cables both up off the ground and away from other hazards, like environmental wear and tear. During transport, they protect cable from tangling, breakage and cutting. Also, they can be found on roadways across the United States, storing cables that will eventually connect the country. They are integral to the function of systems and equipment such as: aerial work platforms, conveyor systems, forestry equipment, forklifts, garage doors, hoists, light towers, material handling systems, a variety of overhead crane designs, robotic welding cells and theatrical and stage sets.

In addition to their primary functions, cable reels often find themselves living new, repurposed lives after their retirement. One of the biggest current trends in home and restaurant furniture is the repurposing of industrial equipment like cable reels, especially wooden cable reels. In a house or at a cafe, they can serve as chairs, end tables, bookshelves and anything else a person can imagine.

Types of Cable Reels

There are many different kinds of cable reels. They are primarily grouped according to the size of cables that they can hold, though the name of an individual reel does not necessarily reflect this. Plywood reels, for example, which are made either from poplar ply or bitch, are considered appropriate only for lighter loads. These inexpensive cable reels are very common for the storing of cables as they wait for transportation or utilization. Heavy duty steel reels, on the other hand, can be used with heavier and larger loads, because they are designed to have extra strength. Also, unlike plywood reels, which may be thrown away or recycled after only one or a few uses, heavy duty steel reels can be used over and over again. Cable reels can be further divided by whether they have automatic/mechanical or manual retraction features. Automatic, or automated retraction reels retract cable automatically, with the help of a hydraulic, electric or pneumatic motor. Manual retraction cable reels enact retraction only by the engagement of a hand-turned crank. Some cable reels are powered by a third type of retraction, the spring-based retraction method. In this case, the cable is retracted via the force of an internal spring.

Basic Reel Configurations

Cable reels are also categorized by which one of the five different basic reel configurations they follow. They may possibly be: collapsible, live connection, reel and cable assembly, portable or storage reel cable reels. Collapsible cable reels, just as their name suggests, can fold flat, a feature that makes them easy to store. Next, live connection cable reels are named such because they allow cables to transmit power while they are still attached to the reel. While convenient, they are generally expensive and may likely be quite heavy. Reel and cable assembly cable reels are made up of a variety of parts and optional accessories, including a reel, a wire and other items. Meanwhile, portable cable reels are designed for easy movement; they can be transported by hand using an attached handle. Finally, storage reel cable reels are made for storage and storage alone. In fact, storage reels cannot be used unless the cable is unwound.

Materials of Cable Reels

As mentioned before, the main materials by which cable reels are fabricated include steel, plastic, plywood and wood. Steel and steel alloys are known for strength, durability and corrosion resistance. Consequently, steel or stainless steel are usually chosen to fabricate cable reels that will be put to work with heavy duty industrial applications. However, they are quite versatile and may also be used with light applications. Plastic cable reels are not usually used with heavy duty applications, however, having emerged as an environmentally friendly alternative to other materials, they are quite popular for use with lighter loads. Plastic cable reels become doubly green when they are made from recycled plastics, rather than newly formed plastics. Plywood cable reels are an inexpensive alternative to wooden cable reels and their lifespans are very short. However, they are strong and lightweight, and used extensively by commercial electricians and builders. Wooden cable reels, which are also recyclable, are available in three major makes: export, steel-tyred and one-way drums. Export reels are designed for trips abroad; steel-tyred reels are made for multiple uses and one-way drums are designed for a single trip.

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Cable Reels Informational Video


Coxreels Offers New Options for the Challenger Series Reels

Coxreels is proud to introduce the new roller bracket assemblies for the Challenger Series. The function of the roller bracket, as it is on other models such as the 1125-Series and the 1175-Series, is to assist in guiding the hose during both extension and retraction. The roller bracket assembly is available only in a 4-way upper roller format, due to the compact size of the Challenger platform.  For 12” disk Challenger models, the roller bracket assembly is available for 8” wide drums and 12.5” wide drums. For 17” disk... Read More About This

COXREELS® Re-engineered a Superior Full-Flow Fluid Path for the 1195 Series

Florent Antonetti
800-269-7335 x119
In response to industry demand, Coxreels®, leading U.S. manufacturer of industrial-grade hose, cord and cable reels, is pleased to announce the entirely re-engineered fluid path on the 1195 Series reels. The 1195 Series now comes standard equipped with an in-line swivel and a remodeled low profile outlet riser offering superior full-flow characteristics and an improved operating pressure range. The 1195 Series, featuring a sturdy one-piece, all welded “A” frame base for maximum stability and designed to handle 50 to 125... Read More About This