
Cord Reel Manufacturers and Suppliers

IQS Directory provides an extensive list of cord reel manufacturers and suppliers. Utilize our website to review and source cord reel manufactures with our easy-to-use features which allow you to locate cord reel companies that will design, engineer, and manufacture cord reels for your exact specifications. Our request for quote forms make it easy to connect with leading cord reel manufacturers. View company profiles, website links, locations, phone number, product videos, customer reviews, product specific news articles and other production information. We are a leading manufacturer directory who will connect you with the right manufacturers whether you are looking for electric cord reels, extension cord reels, or medical cord reels.
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  • Westerlo, NY

    Our hose reels are all made in the U.S., with a heavy-duty design and construction, built specifically to fit your needs and never retrofitted to the job. As a leading manufacturer of high-quality hose reels, Hannay Reels offers one piece hub assembly, heavy gauge steel and dual frame support with special finishes upon request. Visit our website for more information.

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  • Fort Wayne, IN

    Hosetract Industries is a hose reel provider, offering spring hose reels and air hose reels. We provide hose reels designed for industrial and automotive applications as well as many others. Contact us today for your spring hose reel and air hose reel needs — visit our website or call us for details!

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  • Charlotte, NC

    Nederman LLC provides high-quality hose reel products and services. Our products are utilized by a variety of industries. Some of those products include hose reels, service reels, cable reels and air hose reels. Please call or visit our website for more information about our products and service.

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  • Columbia City, IN

    When it comes to high quality products, we are driven to provide only the most technologically advanced products available to you. We produce durable hose reels that make your hoses more productive, as well as keeping them easily accessible and longer lasting. Our website features technical support that not only includes service manuals, but tech bulletins and CAD drawings as well. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email one of our representatives today for information.

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Cord Reels Industry Information

Cord Reels

Cord reels are round, drum-shaped, revolvable devices used to wind cords up in a spool-like fashion. They provide safe storage for a variety of cord types, granting them a protective space away from those weather conditions that would corrode them or reduce their effectiveness and shorten their lifespan. They also keep cords up off the ground, where they could be tripped on. Cord reels are also used to dispense, rewind and transport different types of cord, such as electrical cord, conductive cord, industrial cord, extension cord and lifting cord.

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Applications for Cord Reels

Cord reels have applications in quite a few industries, such as:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive Manufacturing
  • Maintenance
  • Chemical Processes
  • Cement
  • Commercial Manufacturing and Services
  • Construction
  • Electronics
  • Industrial Manufacturing
  • Medicine and Transportation

A few cord reel applications within these industries include crash carts, extension cord retraction, long horizontal electric cord retrieval, industrial machinery and refueling.

Materials Used in Cord Reels

The materials with which a cord reel is made depends on the requirements of its specific cord application. For example, cord reels intended for use with lightweight electrical cords are typically built using wood and/or plastic. Conversely, cord reels made to support heavier applications are usually made from strong metals like steel or stainless steel. There are, in addition, a variety of different kinds of cord reels designed to meet different requirements and price ranges. Standard manual cord reels, which are generally less expensive than other types, wind cords using a hand crank. Another common and quite popular cord reel type is the automatic cord reel, which may also be known as a retractable cord reel or a spring-loaded cord reel.

No matter their name, all of these cord reels have built-in mechanisms that allow the cord reels to wind themselves, with only a small tug on the end of the cord required to get the process started. However, while all retractable cord reels may be considered automatic, not all automatic cord reels can be considered retractable. Rather, retractability is an optional feature. Also, some spring loaded cords go so far as to feature a locking mechanism, which can sense whether one of these tugs is an intentional signal from the operator, or whether he or she is simply moving farther away with the cord. While automatic hose reels are incredibly convenient and burden operators with little stress, they are, as a whole, on the more expensive end of the cord reel spectrum.

Features of Cord Reels

Electrical, or electric, cord reels are usually constructed using one of five basic configurations.

These configurations are:

  • Portable
  • Live Connection
  • Storage Reel
  • Reel
  • Cable Assembly
  • Collapsible

Portable cord reels feature a lifting handle that allows them to be easily carried by hand from one place to another. Live connection cord reels, on the other hand, are named after the electricity that they allow to pass through a cord or cable while it is still attached to the reel. Live connection cord reels are able to do this with the help of connection hardware.

Next, storage cord reels feature a number of different items that assist with storage, such as rope or paper. Meanwhile, reel and cable assemblies are cord reels with different optional features mounted on a cable and wire.

Finally, collapsible cord reels can be flattened, which is a practical way of increasing storage space.

Things to Consider When Purchasing Cord Reels

Prior to selecting a cord reel, cord reel customers must consider a few different factors. First of all, they should know their price range. Second of all, customers must know what type of cord they will be winding, as this will affect the weight and material(s) their cord reel needs to possess. In addition, they should consider their personal mobility/health and the scope and frequency of use their cord reel will receive. This will help determine if a retractable or non-retractable cord reel is best for their purposes and what type of wind and rewind mechanism they need.

For example, a customer with limited mobility will not want to buy a cord reel with a hand crank, as hand cranks require considerably more labor than automatic retractors. All cord reels, except manual, or crank, cord reels have some sort of rewind mechanism that is connected to the reel. Manual cord reels can rewind, but the rewinding must be done by hand crank. Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric rewinding are all automatic rewinding processes that are reliant on the drive of a motor connected to a reel. Spring rewinding, which is different from all other types of rewinding, relies on an internal spring to bring the cord back.

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Cord Reels Informational Video


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Conductix-Wampfler’s history has some impressive highlights, but perhaps one of the least expected facts about the local manufacturer is that its legacy includes the patent for the machine that makes Ruffles potato chips. Conductix-Wampfler’s history has some impressive highlights, but perhaps one of the least expected facts about the local manufacturer is that its legacy includes the patent for the machine that makes Ruffles potato chips. Miller gave a tour of the Harlan plant Oct. 3 in recognition of National Manufacturing Day. Iowa Western Community College, which has its... Read More About This


Media Contact: Florent Antonetti
(480)820-6396 X119
Coxreels®, leading U.S. manufacturer of industrial-grade hose, cord and cable reels, is pleased to announce the release of their new storage reels selection. These large capacity, all steel, reels are designed to hold any wrappable material for hassle free storage, easy transport, and safe operation. Possessing all the distinctive features demanded by the industry, these models are a helpful solution for storage needs. These new innovative storage reel models have been selected from Coxreels®’ standard 1125, 1175, and 1185... Read More About This