Clean Rooms Plus Inc. is a leading provider of modular cleanrooms and offers a full turnkey operation for all clean room environments across an array of sectors. For over 27 years, we have worked with companies ranging from small 100 Sq. foot compounding pharmacies to over 100,000 Sq. foot manufacturing plants in food & beverage, aerospace, pharmaceutical, cannabis, electronics, biotech, automotive, mining, hospitals, military, to name just a few.
We’re an industry leader for design & engineering, manufacturing, & professional installation of compliant clean rooms right across Canada and the USA.
We have a range of solutions & products like HEPA filters, pass-throughs, and stainless steel furniture.
This family run business takes timelines and budgets very seriously when considering production facilities need to be shut down or need to reduce their output. At Clean Rooms Plus, you get treated the way you should be treated.