Champion Technologies has been servicing the friction material industry for more than 90 years, and during that time Champion has witnessed many changes. Champion started out manufacturing simple machinery, and now creates complex machinery. When Champion Technologies was first founded they serviced the logging industry, however now they service the aviation, lumber, logging, agriculture, construction & mining, and the marine industries. Champion manufactures Snubber brakes, clutch discs, and Air Coup brake pads for the aviation industry, Marine Winch Bands, Brake Calipers components, and Wichita, Eaton, & Twin Discs for the marine industry, and brake blocks, friction discs, and brake bands and clutches for the logging industry.
Many of the products that Champion Technologies manufactures are brake & clutch linings, friction discs, calipers, brake blocks, steering components, clark rings, and separator components. All of Champion's products are manufactured with high quality components, and designed with safety and longevity in mind. Some of the current applications of Champion's brake lining AFT Friction Compounds are Paper Winder Pads, Disc Brake Pads, Winch Bearings, Industrial Brake Linings, Friction Rings, Brake Pucks, and Clutch Facings. Champion Technologies has Flexible Woven Linings-Green Gripper, HWK 2000, & RNAW, Flexible Molded Linings, and Molded Linings.
Champion Technologies has approximately 50 years of knowledge, through experience, in relining brake bands and shoes. Champion is ABS certified for manufacturing bands for the marine and oil drilling industries. Champion's Sawguides are made with 1177 phenolic, and 1177G phenolic with graphite materials to reduce friction. Champion has skate wheels, edger guides, beveled guides, and E-Z GlideĀ® Sawguides.