
BRD Noise and Vibration/ Hushcore

Fax: 610-863-4230
Geo Location Marker
P.O. Box 127 112 Fairview Avenue
Wind Gap, PA 18091
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BRD Noise and Vibration Control, Inc. has specialized in HVAC acoustic design and manufacturing for the last 25 years of our 40-year history. Our business model is inherently different than most in our industry. We provide free consultative analysis and design services to support Architects, MEP and Acoustical Consultants, and Design/Build Contractors in the specification of cost-effective solutions to keep mechanical equipment quiet. Our consulting work “payment” is permission to be Basis of Design (BOD) for sound/vibration treatments needed to meet project driven acceptance criteria for building and property line sound levels.

Troubleshooting and implementing remediation treatments for problems surfacing post construction is also a large part of our manufacturing based business

The BRD Team is committed to meeting or exceeding the needs of our customers. We will provide quality products, exceptional service and innovation in all aspects of our operation. By providing the highest value, we ensure the continued success of the BRD Team collectively and as individuals.

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