Asbury Carbons has been the world’s largest independent processor and merchant of graphite for over a century. We supply natural and synthetic graphite, cokes, coals, and all carbon products. Additionally, we are experts of graphite machining and a major supplier of a variety of raw materials used in a range of industries worldwide. While today we are a major company, we come from humble beginnings.
Asbury Carbons has a history going back to 1895 when Harry M. Riddle decided to begin milling refined graphite. Since then we have grown and diversified while maintaining the family values that make us great. To market his product, Riddle would send envelopes containing a sample to potential customers. His method succeeded in attracting customers and business picked up even more during later years. From 1960 to 1999 Asbury Carbons made a series of acquisitions and expansions which led to unparalleled growth. Today, in the hands of the fourth generations of Riddles, we are an accomplished and ever-growing family of companies.Our statements and values support our mission to provide customer solutions as the world’s premier processor of graphite, carbon, and other materials. In addition to ISO 9001 certified facilities, we put our workforce first to support this vision. Furthermore, we believe integrity, customer focus, and excellence are vital. By putting quality, customers, and employees first while avoiding shortcuts we are committed to continuing our rich history.