
Cryogenic Chambers Manufacturers and Companies

IQS Directory provides the tools to find leading cryogenic chamber manufacturers and suppliers. Find cryogenic chamber companies that can design, engineer, and manufacture cryogenic chambers to your specifications. Peruse our website to review and discover top cryogenic chamber manufacturers with roll over ads and complete product descriptions. Connect with the cryogenic chamber companies through our hassle-free and efficient request for quote form. You are provided company profiles, website links, locations, phone numbers, product videos, and product information. Read reviews and stay informed with product new articles. Whether you are looking for manufacturers of portable cryogenic chamber, cryogenic tanks, and cryogenic equipment of every type, IQS is the premier source for you.
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  • Holland, MI

    Russells Technical Products has been designing and manufacturing environmental test chambers since 1972. With over 150 years of combined management experience, our company provides its customers with quality environmental test systems and advanced manufacturing techniques. Russells offers a variety of standard and custom designed chambers to meet your exact specifications.

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  • Cincinnati, OH

    We are leading environmental test chamber brand with over 78 years of experience designing environmental testing solutions. Over the years we have developed products for ease-of-use, reliability and performance designed to meet our customer’s testing needs and improve the safety and reliability of their products. We have a legacy of providing high quality solutions for temperature, humidity, altitude, thermal shock, combined environments, HALT/HASS and more; in sizes ranging from benchtop to large walk-in/drive-in chamber for full-vehicle testing. Please contact us today for more information!

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  • Grand Rapids, MI

    Weiss Technik is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacturing techniques of environmental test chambers. We offer a complete line of standard and custom chambers, from bench top models to full walk-in and drive-in solutions to meet any testing requirement. Not sure what you need? Let one of our applications engineers help. Weiss Technik is ISO 9001 registered and A2LA accredited.

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  • San Jose, CA

    Hastest Solutions designs, manufactures and provides solutions for all environmental testing needs. For the full range of environmental test chambers, including HAST, temp/humidity, salt fog, solar radiation, high temp ovens, autoclave, temperature cycling, sand and dust testing, rain, triple zone chambers, including custom sized chambers, please contact us.

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Cryogenic Chambers Industry Information

Cryogenic Chambers

Cryogenic chambers are used to replicate extremely low temperatures to observe and evaluate the aftereffects of the freezing conditions on a product or material. It is a time-consuming and costly process, and yet cryogenic chambers are an important part of many industries.

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Applications of Cryogenic Chambers

Cryogenic processing is widely used by industries including automotive, aerospace, medical, and food processing due to the critical nature of their products. It can be seen in applications such as chilling and flash-freezing food for extended preservation, rocket fuel production from liquid gases, the preparation and preservation of medicines, and in metal forging (e.g., knife production), as it has been shown that metals show more resistant to wear and tear after cryogenic exposure. As with other environmental test chambers, cryogenic chambers are used by manufacturers to test their products for potential flaws and malfunctions in order to improve the design and production process. Improving a product based on environmental test results will ensure a better quality product reaches the general market and will result in less costs for the manufacturer in terms of replacement and reimbursement.

Factors to Consider When Using Cryogenic Chambers

The process of cryogenic chamber use is very time consuming. The products and materials exposed to such extreme temperatures risk experiencing thermal shock, especially during the change of temperature; therefore, the cryogenic chamber must reach its minimum temperature at a slow rate, and then return to room temperature at an equally slow rate. The test results will be most accurate if the process of moving between temperatures can be dramatically slowed down. Cryogenic temperatures are those below -238°F or -150°C and in cryogenic chambers, liquefied gases such as liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are used to achieve these extreme temperatures. While some test chambers combine environmental conditions for purposes of more thorough testing, cryogenic chambers are designed for extremely low temperature replication.

Design and construction of cryogenic chambers must be carefully considered. Due to the extreme temperature, chamber size is an important factor in design layout as wasted space would be an unnecessary waste of energy and could adversely affect test results. The seal on a cryogenic chamber needs to be in prime condition to ensure that the temperature of the outer environment does not affect the low temperature inside the chamber. Each element of the test and testing conditions has to be taken into consideration, such as the already existing environment and climate, the potential addition of interior chamber lighting and, thus, extra heat, and the variations that exist between products and materials.

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