
O-rings in California

IQS Directory provides a comprehensive list of o-ring manufacturers and suppliers. Use our website to review and source top o-ring manufacturers with roll over ads and detailed product descriptions. Find o-ring companies that can design, engineer, and manufacture o-rings to your companies specifications. Then contact the o-ring companies through our quick and easy request for quote form. Website links, company profile, locations, phone, product videos and product information is provided for each company. Access customer reviews and keep up to date with product new articles. Whether you are looking for manufacturers of o-ring sealing devices, rubber o-rings, o-ring valves, or customized o-rings of every type, this is the resource for you.

  • O-rings Companies Serving California

  • Santa Fe Springs, CA

    RD Rubber Technology Corp is an ISO 9001:2015 / AS9100:2016 certified and ITAR registered company. We offer compression, transfer, injection and Liquid Injection molding, rubber to metal bonding, engineering support, tooling design, machining and more. Our customers rely on us to give them the best possible production o-rings. From aerospace to medical, food processing to military applications we build trust by being responsive to your needs.

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  • Hayward, CA

    At Bay Seal Company, we pride ourselves on being a leading provider of high-quality O-rings, delivering exceptional products and services tailored to meet our customers' diverse needs. Our extensive range of O-rings encompasses various materials, including rubber, silicone, and polyurethane, ensuring we have the perfect solution for every application.

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  • Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

    RPM Products is an o-rings manufacturer. We primarily stock EPDM, nitrile, silicone and Viton®, but also have other polymers from which we manufacture. In stock, we have millions of o-rings in hundreds of sizes. Contact us about your needs for your application, or see our website today!

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  • O-rings Companies Serving Washington

  • Auburn, WA

    AOP Technologies provides innovative solutions for automation, production and sealing applications. We stock a full line of silicone o-rings, nitrile o-rings, viton o-rings and more. As a distributor and manufacturer, we determine the most cost-effective solution for your applications. We can help you evaluate design criteria, mechanical constraints, cycle life, environmental conditions and media.

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  • O-rings Companies Serving Arizona

  • Chandler, AZ

    Since 1989, we have been an o-ring distributor. We offer commercial, FDA, military, metric o-rings, caps, plugs, gaskets & more. Custom, rubber o-rings, metal o-rings, diaphragms, face seals and non-standard o-rings are also offered. Viton® o-rings & o-ring kits are supplied by Arizona Sealing Devices, making us the source of seals, die cutting, oil seals, packings, sheeting, vee rings, etc.

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