
Acme Screw Manufacturers and Suppliers

IQS Directory provides an extensive list of acme screw manufacturers and suppliers. Utilize our website to review and source acme screw manufacturers with our easy-to-use features which allow you to locate acme screw companies that will design, engineer, and manufacture acme screws for your exact specifications. Our request for quote forms make it easy to connect with leading acme screw manufacturers. View company profiles, website links, locations, phone number, product videos, customer reviews, product specific news articles and other production information. We are a leading manufacturer directory who will connect you with the right manufacturers whether you are looking for extra fine acme screws, precision acme lead screws, or acme thread metric screws

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  • Bethel, CT

    Del-Tron Precision, Inc. produces and supplies various automated equipment, such as ball screw actuators. Our engineers have designed our ball screws to offer accuracy that is unparalelled by competitors. We are delighted to bring you a custom experience sure to impress and amaze. Call Del-Tron or visit our website to get in touch with our customer service reps today!

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  • Bethel, CT

    When it comes to ball screws, no one does them better! We offer same day shipping to ensure that your product will be sent to you as soon as possible in order to keep your business moving smoothly. We have the technical staff that has the capabilities and the know how to work with you to come up with a product that will fit your specific requirements. Call Tusk or visit our website today!

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  • Leslie, MI

    For repairs, replacements or manufacturing of new ball screws, Robert’s Ball Screw Repair Services has the expertise and capability to exceed your expectations. We can meet your unique needs by custom tailoring quality acme screws, metric ball screws, ground ball screws and even a ball screw assembly. As industry leaders, we offer same day shipment for stock items to minimize customer downtime.

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  • Sterling Heights, MI

    A world leader in thread-grinding, machining and ball screws since 1958, Thread-Craft draws from its experience to provide the best quality product. Our acme screws, metric ball screws, ground ball screws and rolled ball screws are precisely manufactured and cost-effective and we also have the capability to engineer, design and repair custom ball screws. Let our in-house machinists work for you!

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Acme Screws Industry Information

Acme Screws

Acme screws are a type of threaded rod characterized mainly by trapezoidal thread shape. Compared to other thread shapes like squares, trapezoids allow for long term, high performance use with minimal thread degradation.

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Advantages of Acme Screws

The main disadvantage of using acme screws compared to other screw varieties (like ball screws) in creating linear motion is the high amount of friction between the threads and the nut. This greatly reduces efficiency, requiring a higher force input to overcome the resistance caused by friction. However, acme screws, among screw designs that involve direct thread-nut contact, are comparatively efficient, and that efficiency can be increased when split nuts are employed. The use of split nuts also compensates for wear, extending the operating life of the screw.

Acme screws are available in a selection of nut materials, lubrication types, lead and thread forms, speed, length, and strength. For example, the type of load an acme screw uses could be static, dynamic or a compression load. The specifications chosen for a particular acme screw depend on the requirements of the application. Due to variable effects of friction, lubrication and cleanliness, the lifespan of acme screws cannot be predicted pre-purchase, but proper lubrication, consistent maintenance, and operation within specified limits all aid in maximizing performance of acme screws.

Design of Acme Screws

Acme threads are easier to manufacture than square-threaded screws. Trapezoid-shaped threads can bear heavy loads, which makes acme screws a popular choice in lead screw systems. Lead screws are tools used to convert rotational motion into linear motion. When a specially designed nut is paired with an acme screw, as it moves up and down the screw, force is exerted linearly on one side of the nut, depending on its direction of motion. Lead screws are used in all kinds of machines to generate precisely controlled lateral parts movement. They can be used for delicate equipment movement or they can be used to move large plates in crushing applications. Acme screws are self-locking, which means that they prevent unwanted backdriving. Backdriving is the unintended reverse motion of a nut.

Applications of Acme Screws

There are many applications in which backdriving could be catastrophic, particularly those that involve load bearing. Acme screws eliminate this risk because of their thread shape and angle. Acme screws are useful in applications including load carrying, linear actuating and quick threading. They are also valuable components in valve stems, clamps, table lifts, jacks, screw press drives, machinery slide drives and other kinds of machinery.

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