
Engine Dynamometer Manufacturers and Suppliers

IQS Directory provides an extensive list of engine dynamometer manufacturers and suppliers. Utilize our website to review and source engine dynamometer manufactures with our easy-to-use features which allow you to locate engine dynamometer companies that will design, engineer, and manufacture engine dynamometers for your exact specifications. Our request for quote forms make it easy to connect with leading engine dynamometer manufacturers. View company profiles, website links, locations, phone number, product videos, customer reviews, product specific news articles and other production information. We are a leading manufacturer directory who will connect you with the right manufacturers whether you are looking for engine dynamometer suppliers, engine dynos, or rpm engine dynamometers.

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  • Sturtevant, WI

    Phoenix Dynamometer Technologies LLC offers the most comprehensive approach to water re-circulation systems, data acquisition systems, and dynamometers in the industry. Along with these high performance products, we also offer business continuity and a competitive advantage for our customers. Come and experience the kind of service that sets us above our competitors. We would love to serve you today. Call or visit us online!

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  • Ann Arbor, MI

    Check out the new HORIBA. As HORIBA Automotive Test Systems, we are a leading company in engine, driveline and emissions testing systems, including dynamometers, brake testers and wind tunnel balances testing tools. Plus, HORIBA Contract Testing Services can do the testing for you.

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  • Liberty, MO

    At Dillon/Quality Plus, Inc., we are dedicated to providing exceptional dynamometers that excel in accuracy, reliability, and performance. Our dynamometers are meticulously engineered to deliver precise measurement solutions, catering to a wide range of industries and applications. Whether you need to test force, torque, or load capacity, our products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements with consistent and dependable results.

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  • Northville Township, MI

    Here at Meiden America, Inc. we manufacturer an extensive line of dynamometers. Our products include: ultra low inertia permanent magnet dynamometers, FREC dynamometers, eddy current dynamometers, and much more. Our experts are available to assist you with finding the best product for your application.

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Engine Dynamometer Industry Information

Engine Dynamometers

Dynamometers are tools used for force measurements, and can also be referred to as dynamometers, dynometers, or simply dynos.

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Advantages of Engine Dynamometers

Over the past several years, new types of engine dynamometers have been developed to test aircraft more efficiently. These dynamometers feature measuring systems that do not require water or electricity to function. This enables testers to run their procedures in any location. Because of their ability to function without water or electricity, they are lighter in weight and more portable. They are flexible in which aircraft they are required to test, and finally, their speed and torque readings are reliable and fast.

Purpose of Engine Dynamometers

These machines gather data about the horsepower of an engine by measuring the revolutions per minute (RPM) or torque of the flywheel or crankshaft within an engine. They obtain this information by transforming the torque force into an electrical signal that they can convert into a readable measurement. Dynamometers can be utilized to run separate tests on engines and vehicles. Therefore, they are used extensively in applications such as engine rebuilding, and the diagnostics, design, and manufacturing of automobiles and high-performance vehicles.

Types of Engine Dynamometers

Engine dynamometers are one of the main types of dynamometers, the other being chassis dynamometers. The measurement methods of engine dynamometers and chassis dynamometers differ, however. Chassis dynamometers can often be lower in their measurements by 15-20%, due to the machine losing energy in the process. However, engine dynamometers take information straight from the engine and utilize a few analogue dials and gauges, although a computer calculates the final measurement. In turn, engine dynamometer tests tend to produce more accurate and repeatable results and are not prone to inefficiencies the same way as chassis dynamometers.

The basic concept of engine dynamometers is simplistic. However, it takes a great deal of careful design and engineering in order to fabricate an engine dynamometer that is reliable and user friendly while maintaining repeatable and accurate results. Engines are powerful machines that can be dangerous if misused, and thus the dynamometers that are used alongside them must also be safe to handle. Engine dynamometers are programmed to have a high overload capacity and to operate under harsh operating conditions. Their advantages include portability, a fast response, a low amount of inertia, and have regenerative features that can greatly reduce energy costs.

Things to Consider When Choosing Engine Dynamometers

These machines are heavily relied on to provide accurate and highly repeatable measurements with minimal error. Motor testers can take these results and properly inform auto repair professionals, hobbyists, and automotive engineers about the specifications of an engine. The engine’s user can make wise judgments about the reliability and safety of the engine as well as its capabilities if they thoroughly understand the details of an engine’s performance. In addition to the engine’s performance, dynamometers in the automotive industry can be used to measure brake performance and run diagnostics on other automotive components. PTO dynamometers, for example, can measure the performance of an engine that is used for secondary engine functions. Vehicles such as agricultural equipment that make use of power take off systems rely heavily on the information provided by these dynamometers. A power take off system is a system that allows mechanical components to use, or "take off" a fraction of the power that the engine generates to power themselves. Engine dynamometers can also be used for things outside of the automotive industry. For example, dynamometers can be used to measure consumer products, commercial equipment, industrial utilities, and even the grip of a human hand.

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Engine Dynamometers Informational Video


Engine Builder Magazine Features Go Power!

The August 2016 edition of Engine Builder Magazine features Go Power Systems and our customer, Brighton High School in their latest edition of “What's on the Dyno.” Learn more about this Go Power D557 dynamometer test cell and how it is benefiting future engine testers. Read the article here:  Engine Builder Aug 2016 Article... Read More About This

Sakor Technologies To Exhibit Engine, Hybrid And Electric Vehicle, And Battery Testing Technologies At Automotive Testing Expo North America 2015

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OKEMOS, MI — SAKOR Technologies, Inc. supplied a test system to Southwest Research Institute to test the atmospheric flight control system for the Dream Chaser spacecraft. Dream Chaser is a lifting-body, reusable, crewed or uncrewed horizontal-landing vehicle. It is owned and operated by Sierra Nevada Corporation and is designed as a space utility vehicle for low-Earth orbit. SwRI, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied research and development organizations in the United States. Contracted by SNC to design and build... Read More About This

Taylor Dynamometer Expands its Standard AC Engine Dynamometer Offering

Milwaukee, WI (August 4, 2014) – Taylor Dynamometer expands its standard AC Engine Dynamometer (dyno) offering to include 16 hp (11.9 kW) on up to 985 hp (735 kW) models with maximum engine speed ranging from 3,000 to 11,000 rpm. Designed for rough operating conditions providing high overload capacity and research and development applications, the AC Engine Dynamometers offer low moment of inertia and high pulse torque in testing in either direction of rotation at speeds up to 11,000 rpm. Plus, their compact design uses... Read More About This