
Donut Load Cells in California

IQS Directory provides a detailed list of donut load cell manufacturers and suppliers. Find donut load cell companies that can design, engineer, and manufacture donut load cells to your specifications. Peruse our website to review and discover top donut load cell manufacturers with roll over ads and complete product descriptions. Connect with the donut load cell companies through our hassle-free and efficient request for quote form. You are provided company profiles, website links, locations, phone numbers, product videos, and product information. Read reviews and stay informed with product news articles. Whether you are looking for manufacturers of multi-axis load cells, pancake load cells, or canister load cells, IQS is the premier source for you.

  • Donut Load Cells Companies Serving California

  • Vista, CA

    At AmCells Corporation, we specialize in designing and manufacturing precision load cells that meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide. Our products are crafted to deliver accuracy, reliability, and durability, offering solutions that perform under the most challenging conditions. We are committed to supporting a broad range of applications, including industrial automation, weighing systems, and force measurement.

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  • Temecula, CA

    Since 1979, Transducer Techniques®, a designer and manufacturer, has provided a complete line of load cell products, force sensors, torque sensors and special-purpose transducers, as well as related instrumentation. Transducer Techniques® serves various industries with high-quality products.

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  • Orange, CA

    Established in 1986, DIRECT DRIVES & CONTROLS has been providing premier products, solutions, and competitive pricing nationwide. We service a variety of industries in the automation and power transmission fields.

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  • San Dimas, CA

    Since 1987, Force Switch has designed and manufactured force sensors for aerospace, industrial, medical and transportation applications. Among our product offerings are miniature button force sensors and a 2-axis force-actuated transducer. We are able to make individual sensors, complete assemblies or custom products as you have need. We also repair load cells! Contact us today if you have questions or need assistance.

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  • Chatsworth, CA

    For over 20 years, Dytran Instruments has been an industry leader in the manufacturing of force sensors. We offer 34 models of force sensors that can gauge force from milli-pounds to thousands of pounds. We also offer calibration and repair of load cells and force sensors. Contact us today!

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  • Ontario, CA

    SENTRAN's corporate charter is to manufacture and market premium quality load cells. SENTRAN serves the biomedical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, material handling, aerospace, automotive, agricultural, fitness and health, petrochemical and off-shore industries. SENTRAN’s experienced and knowledgeable workforce is capable and ready to find the solution that’s right for you. Call now!

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  • Donut Load Cells Companies Serving Arizona

  • Scottsdale, AZ

    We offer standard tension, standard compression, hollow tension/compression and many other types of load cells for your convenience of choice. Each of our load cells is designed to meet ASTM specifications and our customers’ requirements to further ensure the exact product for you! All of our products are put through extensive testing before leaving our state of the art facilities to ensure the best products possible. To learn more visit our website today!

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