
Eraser Company, Inc.

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123 Oliva Drive
Mattydale, NY 13211
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Few companies can claim to be family owned and operated, with products made in the USA, and more than 100 years of experience. The Eraser Company, Inc. is a leader in manufacturing machines to process cable, tubing, and wire. We are a well-managed, technically competent company. We provide the highest quality and dependable products with the best delivery at competitive prices. Additionally, we create an environment that encourages individual and group development and rewards excellence.

Eraser offers a complete line of wire, cable and tube processing tools including wire strippers, cable strippers, wire cutters, cable cutters, wire twisters, medical tubing cutters, infrared heating tools, reelers/dereelers, fiberglass & wire stripping wheels, and fiberglass brushes. Our equipment can handle material including magnet or enamel coated wire, coaxial and other types of extruded cable, flexible tubing (such as in medical applications), solder sleeves, and heat shrink tubing. In addition, our tools are available in bench-mounted or portable designs with automatic or semi-automatic operations.

We offer services such as tune-up and repair for Eraser brand equipment, technical support, custom made solutions, financing options, and even an online wire calculator. Furthermore, our Eraser Certification Program (E.C.P.) is a unique service that will test and confirm a material sample and propose the best Eraser solution. We are proud to be ISO Certified and all our new products are designed around CE requirements.

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